Bringing Resources to the Street Cats of Cuba

Recently I visited Cuba and spent time with the street cats there. Travel has always been something that I’m equally as passionate about as animals so getting to combine both any time I can is amazing! When packing to head to Cuba, we loaded up an extra suitcase with goods for the Cuban people as well as for the veterinarians, animal caretakers, and animals there we were meeting with. These items included hygiene products (as things we may deem as ‘easy to find here’ are not nearly as accessible there), pens, paper, and Clorox wipes for the veterinarians, flea and tick medicines, cat treats, and my kitties sent over some of their toys for the cats there to love on and play with. Through this organization we were lucky enough to be connected to these two angels Angelo and Amelia who are some of the community cat caretakers in Havana. They, along with others, feed and keep an eye out for the street animals there.